Video games, banquet stories, car alarms, and so much stuff to get too!
Got Mario Kart at midnight today, and am thoroughly enjoying it. (Was it really necessary for it to release at midnight?) Well I guess I can't talk, I bought it then. But anyway, it is oodles of fun, and the wheel for it is less than charming. So far (2 hrs or so of playing) it is in line to be my favorite yet.
Now that I got that out of my system, I guess I can mention my blogging tomorrow night leading to the release of GTA. In celebration, I will be playing some of my favorite GTA games, and posting about favorite moments, possibly screen shots, and other things. Then, I'm going to go buy it, and not go to school the next day.
Oh, also, if you're bored, and need a new video game website to use as your source of news, check out www.giantbomb.com starring former Gamespot employees Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis. Go there now.
Car alarms are one of the worst inventions I can remember in the past......well the past....ever. Has a car alarm actually ever stopped somebody from robbing a car? In case you're still thinking about it, the answer is no. Instead, all they are good for is waking the ENTIRE neighborhood up at 6 a.m. (on a weekend!). They never go off at a useful time, and people ignore them. If somebody was to rob a car, the alarm would go off, and nobody would notice.
Oh about the banquet stories....never volunteer for an assignment involving every high school senior in the school. Just a word of advice.
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