Welcome to my blog, I guess you want to read what I have to say. I figured it was time to create an environment with which I can get my opinions and interests out to the world, because honestly they need to be heard.
In general, I'm a cool guy, with cool interests. I'm also a die hard nerd. I geek out to video games and comics daily, but, it's not all taped rims and pocket protectors. I also am into a wide variety of music; Rock, Ska, Rap and all of the shitty made up sub-genres, are all choices I enjoy listening to. (Seriously...what the hell is Rap-Core???) I happen to play two sports right now, Cross Country and Tennis. I'm not an all star at either, but I mostly enjoy them (Cross Country...eh we'll see).
Hobbies consist mainly of anything creative. I would like to think of myself as a creative fellow, and drawing, writing, filming, recording, and a handful of other things are what give me true joy in life. Well, that and my girlfriend Jennifer Lynn Duncan.
I'm currently taking a course at tech school in Commercial Arts, that is the process of advertisement and packaging design. With portfolio in hand, I hope to be accepted to Montclair State University, and begin a college career double majoring in Graphic Design and Business (Marketing).
Oh yeah, I love movies. I used to try and create a top 10 list of movies, but quickly decided that was WAY too hard. However, here a bunch that I really love. 300, V for Vendetta, the Boondock Saints, Children of Men, Hotel Rwanda, Sin City, Batman Begins (Christian Bale), Ocean's 11 and 13 and probably lots that I forgot for now.
Video games wise, I'd have to list The Resident Evil Series, Super Smash Bros., Rock Band, Streets of Rage, Earl & Toejam, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Soul Caliber, and a myriad of titles that just aren't coming to mind.
I'm only going to say this once, so if you found it boring, you shouldn't have read it in the first place, but hey, it's over. Pat yourself on the back, you now know a lot more about one of the coolest kids ever. (No that's Ben Savage) seriously look at him. Boy Meets World = GREATEST SHOW OF ALL TIME.
I don't plan on posting everyday, just when I feel it necessary to say something. (Often)
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