Monday, April 28, 2008

The GTA IV Midnight Blog: Nifty Invention!

So the dudes over at have come up with a rather nifty multiplayer scheme. After some technical difficulty, I got it going (I needed to downgrade from v. 2.0 to 1.0 in support of the multiplayer) and I found there are a lot of servers, with A LOT of game modes.

The best one by far though, has to be Cops and Robbers basically, you play as a character you want to be (i.e. taxi driver, car thief, food delivery boy) and you carry out those tasks. If you choose an illegal profession (honestly, why wouldn't you?) you get warrants out for your arrest, and ticket able offenses charged against you as you commit crimes. (Like stealing a helicopter...I seriously got a ticket). You can then choose to either pay the fine, or a warrant will get put out for your arrest, alerting the police. From here, it's survival of the fittest. Humans, acting as the police will hunt you down, leading to a more intense chase than crappy A.I. After this if you are caught, you have to serve out a jail sentence, of some time.

But let's be honest. The far best way of playing is to screw around and do what you're not supposed to. I was a car thief, and instead of stealing people's cars, I ran people over with them. This pissed people off, especially when I parked on them. (They can't move unless they leave the server)

This is a sweet mod.
Next up on the dockett...the game arrives!!!

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