HOLY SHIT. Who cares that it's not midnight on Monday anymore. I've gotten some play time with GTA IV (somewhere around 5 hours) I am speechless, and I seriously have to restrain from saying "best game ever." Why am I restraining myself? It's only been 5 hours, and things could always change, not to mention the enormous amount of responsibility that comes along with a game of that title. Onto the good part; why do I have to restrain myself in the first place, well my friend, I hope you're ready for this.
Reason #1: Improved graphics. Everything isn't cutting edge, and everything isn't the best graphics I have ever seen, but it looks like a game from this generation. Not to mention the fact that the past games have looked about 3 years behind, grainy, boxy and just sheerly ugly.
Reason #2: Likable character. Niko is an awesome dude, who can totally kick your ass if you talk too much, or get on his wrong side. He has a short temper, and will attack at the drop of a hat. He's also a P-I-M-P and gets the chicks.
Reason #3: Improved game play. Everything from little to large has been changed about the game play, and the overall feel in general. Little things include movement improvement (nice rhyme) like when Niko goes down steps, he actually goes down them, not running over them like in every other video game. Pedestrians and civilians also act more....complex. They move more, and react based on what you do. If you shoot one in the stomach, (s)he will hunch over, and hold their stomach and stumble away. Big things include the aiming system (excellent) and the cover system (excellent-er). They are by no means pioneering in terms of video games, but adds a sweet touch to the series.
Reason #4 : Physics. Blowing things up, and people actually go flying with realistic physics? When you crash into something, you go flying through the windshield? SIGN ME UP!
Reason #5: Multiplayer. With a boatload of useful modes, 'nuff said.
I'm done talking for now. I need to go play more. There shall be a review of this game upcoming in a few days.
P.S. If you want to get a party-sized turf war together, or any other form of online game going, lemme know. Add me if you'd like GamerTag = Clarky412