If you would come to me a week ago and ask me who the Flobots are, I would look at you strangely, and ask if you were speaking of automated machines built to do work humans are too lazy to. However, about 5 or 6 days ago, I heard the song "Handlebars" on the radio, and here we are now.
I liked what I heard the couple of times I heard Handlebars, so I decided to buy the whole album (available on iTunes). This record is tight.
The Flobots themselves are an odd group. Featuring two vocalists, a violist, a trumpet player, a guitarist, bassist, and drummer. This quasi hip-hop/rock group creates a unique sound with tight beats and smart vocals.
Fight with Tools opens up with the track "There's a War Going On for Your Mind", a war briefing of sorts, preparing you for the onslaught of invaders competing for you. A sweet viola melody plays in the background and a warlike drum beat backs up the vocals, as you are made ready for the corrupt world of today. It ends with the words "We are the Insurgents" driving the point home. They are here to make a difference.
Vocals are border line stream-of-conscious at times, but remain potent as ever. Brer Rabbit and Jonny 5 have a lot to say and this socially charged music tackles problems such as poverty, hunger, and presidential power. The most powerful line to me has to be in the track "Stand Up" .
"Stand up, we shall not be moved, except by a child with no socks and shoes. Stand up, we shall not be moved, except by a woman dieing from a lose of food. Put you hands up, and I'll copy you." This track brings the plight of our world to light, and then urges action. It is powerful to say the least.
Instrumentals are what give the Flobots their truly unique sound. I never thought the viola and trumpet could be used in such ways, as they are in tracks such as Handlebars, Same Thing, and Stand Up. These songs attest to their creativity. The viola switches between staccato plucking, to rhythms custom crafted to match the song. Drum beats are far more than basic hip-hop beats and enhance the chanting vocals. The guitar and bassist round out the instrumentals, and when they get loose, they lay out sick rhythms. The instrumentals are then mixed in masterfully to create the sound that defines the Flobots. Nowhere is this more evident than in the tracks Same Thing, and Combat.
The Flobots are going to be huge one day, one day soon. They have a unique enough sound, that they will not fall into the pool of generic rock bands, and one-hit wonder hip-hop artists. No, instead they are the best of both, and the worst of neither. This packed with the motivation to change the world, will lead the Flobots to the highest pinnacle of success.
I rate this album a 9/10.
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