Sorry, it's been a week since my last post. I've been busy doing other things, and the blog was forgotten, for a while at least. But I'm back, and I'm still suave as hell, so 'sall good.
ANYWAY, Today's entry is going to be deep, but also shallow. It will have it's depressing moments, but it will also have lighthearted revelry.
I will start with the heavy stuff....Recently, The Sudanese Government has officially renounced Chad, and is on the brink of war with them. This cannot mean anything good for Sudanese refugees seeking shelter within Chad's borders. All of this makes me wonder...How can we solve this? I attend a Mennonite school, so I am constantly pressed with the ideals of Pacifism, but I am never satisfied with the response. Talks have broken down every time they have been arranged. Treaties have been broken every time they have been written. It is pretty clear that Omar al-Bashir has no intentions of negotiating. So I pose this question to those who advocate pacifism. How are the refugees to respond, without violence? The U.N. is useless and what little troops they have deployed are too few in number to make a difference. Do they not defend themselves? Do they allow the Janjaweed to trample all over them, rape the women, kill the rest? Now what? I hear the idea of pressuring China into stopping the support of the Sudanese government, but how do we pressure them? Would a boycott of something like the Olympics do it? How else are we supposed to "pressure" them? To protect the innocent should the U.S. step in? If they do, we are faced with another war, one that I do not believe the American people can take. Look at our previous record with getting involved in civil wars, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq. And yet we've tried isolationism, in World War II, but we got dragged into that as well. What the hell is the right answer!?! I have so many questions, and so little answers!
Moving on to some of the lighter stuff.....Kanye quickly approaches, and I personally think it'll change my life. All I have heard is this concert is hella sweet and will be a hell of a time. Here's to hoping Rihanna is on first.
I also got a job over at The Wiire, and I for one, am very VERY excited. The staff is very kind, very patient, and I look forward to working with them. I've been given editor status, basically meaning I'll post news and possibly some reviews and such. Great things will come from this.
Check us out.
1 comment:
Darfur is not a stray thought. I'm glad you still think heavily of it though.
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